Is CBD for Anxiety Essential? Damn Straight
Cannabis takes its rightful place alongside milk, eggs and gasoline as a modern necessity. (Plus: Three CBD tinctures for anxiety to keep you chill in self-isolation.)
Just the mention of the “Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency,” may have you reaching for some CBD for anxiety. But their March 19 memo was calming and reassuring, in a certain way: “If you work in a critical infrastructure industry, as defined by the Department of Homeland Security, such as healthcare services and pharmaceutical and food supply, you have a special responsibility to maintain your normal work schedule.”
They make a good point. For those things needful in life—supply lines must remain open.
Denver mayor Michael Hancock got a quick lesson in “essential,” with his announcement that liquor stores and recreational cannabis dispensaries would close as of Tuesday the 23rd, and remain closed for at least three weeks. He instructed Coloradans not to panic buy, which of course they went right out and did, with lines extending around city blocks. And understandably so, as CBD for anxiety is a popular self-treatment option and we’re living in increasingly turbulent times.
By the end of the day, the order was rescinded, and life, of a sort, went on. But according to an article in The New York Times, cannabis sales have increased 150% since the outbreak—comparable to the ramp-up to the annual 4/20 canna-fest.
Only this time, it’s not for the party. It’s because cannabis—specifically CBD for anxiety—has become a pandemic necessity.
Interestingly, even before Mayor Hancock reversed course on what was deemed “essential,” the city had wisely exempted medical cannabis dispensaries from closure. It’s little wonder why. The list of conditions cannabis can treat includes anxiety, chronic pain, glaucoma, and Parkinson’s disease.
It kinda makes you want to join the curbside pick-up line at a dispensary, to wait out the rest of the pandemic. By the time you reach the head of the line, you’ll probably be experiencing one or more of those. Or at least, you’ll convince yourself that you are. After all, CBD and health, like Netflix and chill, were made for each other.
So, remember to tip your budtender well and add one of these three CBD tinctures to your next curbside pickup.
Moon Mother Full Spectrum Hemp Oil Tincture: Best for Anxiety
Moon Mother’s organic full-spectrum hemp extract with organic MCT oil and organic peppermint essential oil tastes like the holidays—a time we still associate with shared food, hugs, and laughter. We noticed a feeling of calm 15 minutes after ingesting that lasted hours at a time—even after a presidential press conference. $60, 500mg, 1 oz, suggested use: one full dropper,

Sunsoil CBD Oil: Best for Calm
This full-spectrum, whole plant CBD oil is made out of Vermont and, naturally, is organically farmed and naturally extracted. Each bottle contains 20mg CBD oil. We love it for the cinnamon flavor that warms our mouth and masks the tincture’s weedy origins. Plus, it’s third party tested at three ISO-accredited labs—one less worry to add to the mental load. $60, suggested use: one dropper,

Naked Leaf CBD Daily Drops: Best for Anxiety
Naked Leaf’s smooth, low-viscosity oil goes down easily and creates a calm chilling effect that kicks in quickly. The coconut oil, while not dominant, is subtly detectable. Likewise, the peppermint flavoring is mild and even, giving it a smooth delivery with a slightly earthy hemp undertone—one without bitterness. Bonus: It doesn’t induce drowsiness, making it easy to converse on Zoom in our power (sweat)suits. $49, 450mg CBD, suggested use: one dropper,