4/20 for 2020
The ultimate cannabis holiday during quarantine doesn't mean you have to stay inside all day. We have a full day of fun planned for you.
The year 2020 should have been the year of the stoner. What could be better than an entire month of 420? While we have all had ample time to smoke weed at home this month, it’s difficult to miss the festivals and gatherings that come with April 20 every year. If you’re at a loss for what to do to celebrate, we’ve compiled a list of activities to help you enjoy the holiday while still being a good citizen.
Wake, Bake and Meditate.
Start your day with a wake and bake session combined with a few minutes of mindfulness and a sunrise yoga session (or a mid-morning yoga session, we’re not here to judge). During stressful times, it’s difficult to get out of your head and into your body, but focusing on something other than the current state of the world will help clear your mind and prep you for a great day. Check out this sequence put together by our friends at Yoga Journal.
Paint a 4/20-inspired canvas.
Bust out your green watercolors and let your creativity run free. If you’re in need of inspiration, check out an old episode of The Joy of Painting and paint along with Bob Ross. It’s available on Netflix. Even if you’re not normally a painter, it will feel good to create something and get a little messy.
Make your own edibles.
You can follow our recipe for canna-butter here. Using this, make a batch of your favorite cookies or brownies, or get creative and make a whole marijuana meal. Don’t forget to do a taste test. Or two, or three.

Take a walk outside (6 feet away from anyone else).
After your edible has kicked in, take a walk around your neighborhood or find a trail or park near your home. Marijuana opens up the senses, allowing you to enjoy nature in a way that you might not otherwise. Take the time to feel the sunshine, breathe the fresh air and even touch the soil like your favorite plant would.
Have a Zoom smoke session with your friends at 4:20.
Take a look at our previous article and spend some virtual time with your favorite smoking buddies. Don’t forget to download your favorite Zoom background first!
Attend a virtual festival.
Although large public gatherings are cancelled until further notice, many events have been moved online. Check out the HighStream 420 Festival, a coast-to-coast online gathering that benefits COVID-19 relief charities. There’s also an option online to donate to one of the sister charities: CrewNation, We are the Drug Policy Alliance, and Americans for Safe Access. This event includes musical performances, virtual smoke sessions, workshops and a roundup of great moments in weed history. It runs from 4-10pm Eastern time. See the full lineup here.
You can still celebrate and stay safe. Happy Cannabis Quarantine!